Shamil Basayev – Xasmagomed Xadzhimuradov
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This song was written for the Budennovsk raid of Shamil Basayev. The original lyrics of the song is Russian, so we are publishing only English translation of the song.
Shamil Basayev
Sound as avalanche comes from the mountains in the night-day,
Grads rain non-stop from the sky for six months,
Aircraft sounds was heard again at the smoke covered sky,
Throwing their deadly freights to villages,
Innocent women and children are dying, what a merciless enemy,
Passed from the villages as a storm, we must stop them, but how?
Grandson of old Basa thinks a way and staying awake till morning in Dargo village,
Finds each new day when sharing his ideas with his heart,
Begging to Allah: give me a light, a bright,
Burning with the revenge desire: what do i do? show me a way…
Innocent women and children are dying, what a merciless enemy,
Passed from the villages as a storm, we must stop them, but how?
That is… Very clear… Order comes from the sky,
Kremlin, that is the house of whole gooks,
Envelope is the only change, Satan is managing to ball since centuries,
Fedding to only one thing: Spite!..
Leave from your homeland for capturing Satan,
Leave from your homeland for breaking to its horn at his home,
And Shamil called out ” Hey wolfes, who specialized in soldiering?
Who wants to build his palace of immortality?
Who wants to be shaheed in Kremlin and go heaven?
Who wants to see burning of unbeliver’s land?
Who wants to pay his debt with mercilessly fighting against enemy of Allah for him,
He must left from his family home and depart with me to north…”
Fearless wolf herd began to flow towards lion from Vedeno,
As always braves flow to calling of native land.
And all of them were hide to cars as Trojan horse,
Their hearts were fold, moved to Russia, name of Allah was at tongues.
Although the way which is going to palace of enemy, seems impassable,
But it doesn’t matter a whit to maintained by the order of Allah.
One morning, suddenly when he saw to teeth of wolf in front of his nose,
Obviously Kremlin doesn’t waiting this wolf.
When he stabbed his teeth to bear’s breath, a crackling noise was heard,
That time whole Russia trembled with fear and pain.
All bells ringing, Russia cries for Budennovsk,
When the Chechnya was vomiting blood and burning, anybody didn’t say something.
You are atheist, maid of devilish Russia, even they didn’t baptize you,
Burn in Chechnya, you are under the heel of who destroyed to Jesus.
You have time, come on admit it,
Take out them from the hell and return to their home…
Back off Russia, this lands never bow down to you,
My God gave in sword of Mansur to Shamil…