Photographic Albums: “Aslan Aliyevich Maskhadov”
From 1994 to 1996 he led the resistance against the occupant Russian army as the First Deputy Chairman of the ChRI State Defence Council, and organised defence of the Chechen capital during the Battle of Grozny. After the battle, in February 1995, Dudaev promoted Aslan to Divisional General. 27st January 1997 free democratic presidential and parliamentary elections held in Chechnya and Aslan Maskhadov elected as III.President of ChRI with won the majority of 60% of the votes.
Salam alejkum!!!
Vaalaikum Assalam Vr.Vb.
May Allah make it easy for you all! You are all so strong and brave. You people are in our prayers forever
brat why cant i download any of these images?