Caucasian Prisoners Brutally Beaten in Russia
Aslambek Apaev reported that Chechen and Ingush prisoners are brutally beaten in “ITK 11”, one of the Russian concentration camps in Stavropol region (town of Mikhaylovsk).
According to news of Kavkaz-Uzel, director of international Center “Peace. Ecology. Culture” Aslambek Apaev said there are no exact details about what took place, and about the number of victims yet. As a result of mass beatings of prisoners, hostages have fractured skulls, broken arms and legs. According to the human rights activist, the incident was reported by one of the employees of the colony. Earlier it was reported, that relatives of prisoners speak about a “riot” and hunger strike in “correctional colony” of Shpakovsky district (Stravropol region).
“On July 30, on the territory of ITK-11 a unit of OMON (special purpose police) entered in masks. Until yesterday “special measures” were taking place there. Many of the prisoners have been badly beaten. While most of the victims, are Chechen and Ingush prisoners. At the moment I am waiting for precise details about numbers of victims and circumstances of the incident”, – Apaev said.
“Among officers of the colony’s staff, there are many people who passed through the war in Chechnya, – Apaev told. And many of them openly persecute Chechen prisoners and also other Caucasian nationals. Human rights activists have such facts”.
The most famous case was named by the rights activist, as that of Zubair Zubairaev, prisoner of ITK YAR-154/25 in the town of Frolovo, Volgograd region. “There, Zubair’s cell was visited by masked personnel of the colony, who would beat him until he would lose consciousness. Due to constant beating he received a heavy brain trauma, his legs and internal organs were badly hurt”, Apaev told. According to Aslambek Apaev, even after being transferred to another colony, Zubairaev is still brutally beaten, with demands that he abandons his testimony against the staff of ITK in Frolov.
And Apaev added: “A person has been virtually crippled. And such cases of abuse of Chechen, Ingush and other Caucasian inmates, unfortunately are very widespread. While complaints about abuses by personnel of colony, are pointless and even a dangerous endeavor.”