Final Report Names Puppet Kadirov as Suspect
The Austrian State Offices of Domestic Security and Counter-Terrorism has finished its final report about Umar Israilov who was killed in 2009 in Vienna. Ramzan Kadirov, ringleader of puppet regime in Chechnya, has been accused as a suspect in the final report.
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) reported that Ramzan Kadirov, head of the puppet regime in Chechny which was established by occupying Russia, has been accused of inciting the murder of Chechen exile Umar Israilov in a final report released by the Austrian State Offices of Domestic Security and Counter-Terrorism. Israilov was shot dead in broad daylight in Vienna on 13 January 2009. Prior to his murder, Israilov had agreed to give evidence in a trial before the European Court and in proceedings taken against puppet Kadirov in Austria. These trials concerned, among other crimes, cases of torture that Israilov himself had suffered in Chechnya. With the assistance of Israilov’s witness statements, charges were filed by ECCHR in Vienna, June 2008.
Besides the two direct offenders, the final report now available from the Austrian authorities also names nine other Chechen individuals involved. The report thus exposes the chain of Chechen death squads all the way up to the political peak of the puppet regime in Chechnya. Moscow deploys and tolerates the puppet Chechen regime of injustice, with its reach extending as far as major European capitals. Opponents of this regime and particularly witnesses before European courts live in perpetual fear of being attacked for their actions. Despite Israilov’s multiple requests for measures to be taken to ensure his personal safety, the Austrian Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the country’s domestic intelligence agency, did not respond to his concerns. In fact, another witness in the Israilov case also requested protection; however, instead it being granted to him, he was deported to Russia where he has presumably been treated like a violent criminal and victimized. The final report was delivered to the Vienna Office of Public Prosecutor. It is expected that an international arrest warrant will soon be issued.