In Poland Five Chechen Asylum Seeker’s Families Are Under The Threat of Extradition
According the, five Chechen families who need medical treatment are being kept in a closed refugee center in Biala Podlaska, Poland, which is 30 km away from Teraspol, while awaiting extradition to Russia.
Vakha Banzhaev, the head of the Organization of Former Prisoners of Russian Filtration Camps from the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, spoke with the asylum seekers via telephone and wrote an explanation letter stating that in Poland, five Chechen families are under threat of extradition to the Russian Federation. Their extradition would be a violation of international law rules. Among the group, there are people who are very ill and need medical treatment, which has been refused by Polish authorities. Chechen asylum seekers tried to explain their bad health conditions, and recieved the response from Polish authorities that, “They will help you in Russia.”
According to asylum seekers, they are going to be extradited to Russia in the near future. They desperately help to prevent this tragic end.
We must remind you that if the extradition comes to fruition, the Chechen asylum seekers may face torture in Russian prisons or disappear without a trace.
Here is the names of Chechen asylum seekers who await their extradition:
1- Tanzila Martazalieva, born 05.04.1986
2- Medni Adaeva, born 18.05.1986
3- Vakha Akhmadov, born 26.11.1976
4- Khalid Amedov, born 21.11.1977
5- Olesya Orkavenko, born 25.01.1982
If anybody is able to help, please contact Vakha Banzhaev at +43 (0) 664 737 574 34.
*The text was translated by Waynakh Online and edited by Michael Capobianco