Resolution from the Puppet Kadyrov’s so-called Congress has been Released
Earlier we informed our readers about the illegal congress held by Kadyrov in occupied Chechnya and the condemnation message from the Chechen Diaspora in Turkey. The resolution of the so-called congress has been released.
We must note that the following resolution was accepted with a consensus, there was neither one negative nor impartial vote against it. On the other hand, Mahmut Teke and Ramazan Ozcecen who were attended this event from Turkey diaspora, charged with as members of “General Council” of puppet regime’s so-called congress.
However, the Caucasus Chechen Cultural Association in Istanbul published a statement on their website which described the visit of their managers as “tremendously useful” and claimed that it was appreciated by association members.
There are a lot of words that can be spoken about this illegal activity and the rubbish resolution of puppet regime’s so-called congress, but we leave it as is, as a sign of respect to our readers.
We present you with the illegitimate resolution of Kadyrov’s congress without any comments:
First World Congress of the Chechen people
(12-13 October 2010, Grozny)
We, the delegates of the World Congress of the Chechen people express our satisfaction with the positive developments taking place in the Chechen Republic, as the restoration of the economy and social development, political stability, which were all destroyed during the war. These new developments create conditions for free development of the Chechen people within the Russian state.
Between 1991 and 1999, when the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria reigned in the territory and showed irresponsibility for the present and the future of the Chechen people; during this term of political chaos, lawlessness and kidnappings occurred and human rights were violated; all while the international community and international institutions ignored these wrongful acts. The government of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, located in the west, directly culpable in the tragedy of the Chechen people, has no social base in their homeland and do not represent the Chechen people. Any attempt to revive it and give it legitimacy, should be regarded as an unfriendly act against the Russian state, as well as the Chechen people. We declare that the question of the self-determination right of the Chechen people and the legitimacy of authorities on Chechen Republic issues were finally resolved through a referendum on March 23, 2003 by the initiate of the first President of the Chechen Republic Akhmed Hadji Kadyrov. This has clearly defined its political status as a part of the Russian Federation.
We, forum delegates, concurred that the further development of the Chechen Republic, the consolidation and unity of the Chechen people, is headed by a national leader, Ramzan Kadyrov.
We recognize that the present and the future of the Chechen people is dependent on his will, political wisdom, economic, social and intellectual activity, in close cooperation with the Russian people and the observance of the constitutional norms of the Chechen and Russian states.
We declare to the Chechen people that this is to build a developed economic, social and cultural, educational and intellectually republic within the Russian Federation, the upholding of national interests of the Chechen people, opposition to all possible forms of discrediting its history and culture.
Recognizing the rights and dignity of all people, regardless of their ethnicity and religion, the sacred right to self-selection of a political, cultural and economic development of nations, delegates of the World Congress of the Chechen people consider necessary:
1. To express respect to the memory of first President Akhmed Hadji Kadyrov who gave his life in the struggle for peace in the Chechen Republic.
2. Support the head of the Chechen Republic, as a national leader Ramzan Kadyrov Akhmatovich for strengthening the unity of the Chechen people, for peace in the Chechen Republic and to express gratitude on behalf of the I World Congress of the Chechen people for the revival of the region.
3. Support the leadership of the Russian Federation in an effort to establish peace and harmony in the whole Caucasus.
4. Support the strategy of socio-economic development of the North Caucasus Federal District of 2025.
5. Convene an international conference in Grozny to discuss the political and international problems of the Caucasus and a common strategy for further development of democracy in the region.
6. Suggest Russian Federation Justice Ministry and Supreme Court to establish working groups to review court cases against Chechens, excited during the implementation of anti-terrorist campaign.
7. To condemn the crimes committed against residents of the Chechen Republic during counter-terrorist operations in the region by law enforcement agencies, as well as criminal acts by some Chechens.
8. Suggest that federal law enforcement agencies stop infringing on the rights of Chechens in Russia on the basis of their ethnicity.
9. Condemn the use of Chechen Diaspora which based in Europe and international organizations in political activities aimed against Russia and the Chechen Republic as its subject.
10. Recognize the intolerant and strongly condemned rampant practice in Chechen society, the abduction of brides and girls. Chechen law enforcement agencies have to strengthen its measures.
11. Recommend that all Chechens living in Russia, as well as near and far abroad to observe the laws of the State in which they live and to participate actively in business, science and culture.
12. Suggest a CR Chapter apply to the Presidency of Sciences for assistance in the development of networks of scientific and academic institutions and to create a Research Center of the Chechen Academy of Sciences.
13. Consider it necessary to hold national forum on political issues of the Chechen people only in Grozny – the capital of Chechnya. Holding forums, congresses, on behalf of the Chechen people out of their historical homeland Chechens considered unlawful.
14. Recommend to the Ministry of Education and Science of the CR, schools and universities to target talented Chechen youth to receive quality education in prestigious universities of the country and the West, on the development of modern engineering professions, information technology.
15. Appeal to the Russian leadership to adopt a program to return to their historic homeland of representatives of the Chechen Diaspora living in Europe.
16. Recommend everyone Chechens, whatever their country of residence, as well as the entire Chechen people to adhere strictly to the best national traditions and customs, as well as promoting the Chechen language, ethnic culture.
17. Support the policy of the modern Russian leadership aimed at achieving peace and harmony, a stable socio-economic development of the CR.
18. Recognize that no Chechen can tolerate unfair treatment to a person, regardless of his nationality and religion. Consider it a sacred duty to support the weak, the needy.
19. Enhance economic, cultural and scientific contacts with the Chechen Diaspora CR and abroad.
20. Express our gratitude to the national leader of people of Russia, Russian Prime Minister V. Putin, for his constant support in establishing peace and reconstruction processes.
21. Express gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation, Dimitry Medvedev for the complete abolition of WHO (the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus) support the reconstruction of the Chechen Republic.
22. Thank the Governments of humanitarian organizations in Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Holland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, for the assistance of social and humanitarian aid to Chechen refugees forced to leave their homeland.
23. To intensify the national media coverage in his life and work of the Chechen Diaspora living in the regions of Russia, CIS and foreign countries.
24. Recommend to the state authorities CR in formulating and implementing foreign policy of the republic, to consult with the Chechen Diaspora living in the regions of Russia, CIS and foreign countries.
25. Offer leadership of the Chechen State Pedagogical Institute to prepare specialists of the native language for use in regions inhabited by the Chechen Diaspora.
General Council
1. Kadyrov Ramzan Akhmatovich
2. Delimkhanov Adam Sultanovich
3. Baysultanov Odes Khasaevich
4. Abdurakhmanov Dukvakha Bashtaevich
5. Selimkhanov Magomed Salamovich
6. Khasbulatov Ruslan Imranovich
7. Khadzhiyev Salambek Naibovich
8. Aslakhanov Aslambek Akhmedovich
9. Saraliev Shamsali Yunusovich
10. Dagayev Valid
11. Ampukaev Ramzan Abdulaevich – public figure, Belgium
12. Saiytiev Buveysar Khamidovich
13. Kadyrov, Khoj-Akhmed H. – Chairman of the Ulama
14. Muradov Ahmed – Chairman of the Chechen Diaspora in Kazakhstan
15. Sami Abdel – Jordan
16. Murad Makhamad Dhzbay Beno – Jordan
17. Muzakayev Dikalu Abuzedovich
18. Kadyrov Aymani Nesievna
19. Mirzayev Sultan Hadji – Mufti
20. Akayev Vakhit Humidovich
21. Taymashanov Bekkhan Elimsoltaevich
22. Gapurov Shakhroudi Aydievich
23. Vakhayev Magomed Humaydovich – State Duma deputy
24. Arsamakov Abubakar – businessman
25. Alkhazur Magomed Isayevich
26. Gerihanov Wadud Vakhidovich
27. Abubakarova Yaha Said-Rakhmanovna – Poland
28. Mahmut Teke – Istanbul, Turkey
29. Ramazan Ozcecen – Turkey
30. Baudinov Isa Vakhaevich
31. Edilsultanov Khamzat Mahmudovich
32. Khaladova Rosa Tapaevna
33. Idrisov Sulumbek – Kyrgyzstan
34. Yushaev Sultan – the head of the Chechen Diaspora in Kyrgyzstan
35. Selim Beshaev – public figure
36. Saltageriev Khussein
37. Ilmadi Dzhabrailov – businessman
38. Doshkuev Magomed
39. Elmurzayev Ganga
40. Buralova Malika
1. Kadyrov Ramzan Akhmatovich
2. Delimkhanov Adam Sultanovich – State Duma deputy
3. Baysultanov Odes Hasaevich
4. Abdurakhmanov DukvaKha Bashtaevich
5. Hazbulatov Ruslan Imranovich
6. Khadzhiyev Salambek Naibovich
7. Aslakhanov Aslambek Akhmedovich – Member of the Federation Council
8. Dagayev Valid
9. Ampukaev Ramzan Abdulaevich – Belgium
10. Saiytiev Buveysar Khamidovich
11. Beshaev Selim – public figure
12. Muradov Ahmed – Chairman of the Chechen diaspora in Kazakhstan
13. Sami Abdel – Jordan
14. Elmurzayev Ganga
15. Buralova Malika
The Board
1. Alkhazurov Magomed Isayevich – Chairman of the Board
2. Akayev Vakhit Khumidovich – deputy. Chairman of the Board
3. Gerikhanov Vadud Vakhidovich – Member of the Board
4. Baudin Isa Vakhaevich – Member of the Board
5. Edilsultanov Khamzat Mahmudovich – Member of the Board
Audit commission
1. Elsankaev Ismail Sharpuldinovich – Chairman of the Board
2. Edisultanov Hazyr Mahmudovich – Member of the Commission
3. Baudin Said Vakhaevich – Member of the Commission
*Text was written by Waynakh Online and edited by Michael Capobianco