ASPIS Awarded for Care of War Victims
The Austrian association ASPIS which focuses mainly on helping victims of torture and trauma from Chechnya was awarded with “The Bruno-Kreisky Prize” for their achievements in the field of human rights.
The award ceremony for “The Bruno Kreisky Prize” (Bruno-Kreisky-Preis für Verdienste um die Menschenrechte) was held on Friday evening May 20 in Vienna, Austria. Along with the ASPIS, the psychosocial center Esra and the association, Hemeyat received awards for taking care of torture and war survivors. The prize of 70,000 Euros was divided among these three organizations.
ASPIS is an independent institute at the University of Klagenfurt and works on psychotherapeutic and psychosocial support for traumatized people; in particular, today’s victims of torture and war. The ASPIS is mainly focused on Chechen refugees in Kärnten. The association runs a lot of projects with one of them being the “FC Chechnya” soccer team.
*Text was translated by Waynakh Online and edited by Michael Capobianco