Screams From the Omsk Penal Colony-2
Waynakh Online has received a disquieting e-mail from the relatives of prisoners in the Omsk Penal Colony-2, from Ingushetia and the occupied Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Apparently, there has been no change in prisoner conditions since the end of 2010.
Here is the e-mail:
I appeal to all humanitarian organizations and people of goodwill.
For several months, I have been in contact with my relative who is serving his time in the Omsk Penal Colony-2. He cannot always express himself openly on the phone, but he still finds a few minutes to talk while the guards aren’t keeping their eye on him.
He is a native of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and is imprisoned for 14 years, 7 years of which he has already served. At the same time, he has appealed to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, but unfortunately we have to wait for the start of the hearing. To our great dismay, we are not sure that he will make it until the decision as he has tuberculosis, a kidney infection, as well as his physical weakness, as is the most dangerous thing afflicting all Chechen and Ingush prisoners who were put in the detention centers for no reason. My cousin was able to tell me that they are subjected to torture and physical violence from the guards of the colony.
My relative is not someone who complains a lot, but since they’ve been closed in the detention centre, he became very nervous and started to ask all visitors for help on facilitation of the conditions for all Chechen and Ingush prisoners and not to publicize their names.
I won’t be able to contact him anymore but he managed to warn his wife that he was put in solitary confinement.
He has asked me to convey their message to all human rights defenders and organizations such as Memorial and the Amnesty International:
“We are deprived of any possibility to report the information about these happenings to any officials or media. We consider this as a miracle to be able to transmit this desperate cry for help to the public opinion. We realize that after the propagation of this message, our lives will be in danger. But we have no more strength to suffer such inhumane mockery and torture. Help!”
I think that these people were sentenced to a specific punishment, but not to violence or torture by the employees of federal agencies.
Please consider this message as an official appeal to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia, Federal Service of the Punishment Execution of Russia, and the administrations of the Chechen Republic and Republic of Ingushetia.
In my letter, I am not specifying the names of those Chechen and Ingush prisoners, because naming them means signing their death warrants.
In the name of the prisoners of the Omsk penal colony 2 (PC-2), born in the Chechen Republic and Republic of Ingushetia
*Text was written by Waynakh Online and edited by Michael Capobianco
“Вайнах онлайне” (Waynakh Online) электронан поштехула челакхе хаам беъна Омскера Береговая – туьшпан набахтерачу вайнехан гергарчу нахера. Схьа хазарехь цу набахтерачу тутмакхин хьал цхьанна а тайпана дикачу аг1ора хийца делла дац 2010 шарахь дуйна.
массо а халкъашна юкъерачу бакъонаш лар ечу къепашка а, маьрша лаам болчу адмашка а!
Масехь баттехь Омскерачу набахтехь волчу сайн гергарчу стагца з1е лаьттош ву со. Цуьнан х1ораза аьтто цахуьлу сайн телконан горгалина жоп дала. Делахь а, набахтин хьехойн б1арг-1уналла т1ера тиллинчохь масехь минотахь къамаьл дан аьтто хуьлу тхан. Иза Нохчийчуьра ву. Цунна тоьхнарг дейта шо ду. Цараха ворх1 д1а даьлла. Кхин ворх1 т1аьхьа ду. Цо шен дов Страсбургерачу дуьненан юкъерачу кхэле диллина. Амма цигахь и дийцаре даккха цхьа ахь шо хан оьшу. Ткъа иза цу хене д1а вала а цамега. Кхин йолу шен дег1ан эг1азаллаш ца йицича а, цуьнгахь пехин айпалин а, жанин а лазарш хиларна.
Т1аккха гуттаре хала дерг ду, цу набахтера вайнехан тутмакхаш кху т1аьхьарчу масехь к1иранахь цхьа а бахьнаш а доцуш к1аре чу бухкуш хилар. Сан гергарчу стага дуьйцу; – шайна т1ехь цигахь массо а тайпана ч1ог1а та1зарш латто до, шайн дог1машна инзаре ницкъ хуьлуьйтуш долу, бохуш.
Цуьнан амалехь хилла дац арзаш дар. Амма рог1-рог1анна шаьш набахтин к1аре чу бохка буьйла беллачул т1аьхьа дуьйна, иза цу амалехь ваьлла. Цо доьху, набахтехь мел волчу нохчашна –г1алг1ашна цхьа аьтто-г1о лахар. Шайн ц1ераш 1ора а цайохуш.
Сан аьтто цабаьлла кхин цуьнца з1ене вала. Делахь а, шен зудчуьнга ша юха а набахтерачу к1аре чу вуллуш ву ала кхиъна иза.
Соьга цо дехар дина, адамин бакъонин г1айг1а мел йолучаьрга, тутмакхин бакъонаш лар ечу къепе, “Мемориале” шайгара х1ара бала 1ора баккхар:
“Тхан цхьа а аьтто бац тхайгахь долчу хьолехь дерг 1эдалан хьакмашка а, хаамин г1ирсашка а даккха. Оха тамаш лору х1ара орцанан-хаам а тхайга нахале баккхабалар. Тхо кхета, х1ара хаам баьржиначул т1аьхьа, тхан дахарна кхерам кхин а алсам берриг хиларна. Амма тхоьгахь кхин ницкъ бац, тхайна т1ехь лаьттош йолчу акхараллийна а, емаллина са детта. Орца дала!”
Хета, уьш цхьана г1уданна лаьцна хиларна. Шайна т1ехь х1оттиначу 1эдалан белхалошка т1аъзарш дайта а, емал байта а лаьцна боцуш!
Дехар ду, х1ара кехат Россерачу Инарлин Прокуроре, Россин Кхэл Кхочуш йойтучу Къепе, Нохчийн а, Г1алг1айн республикин урхаллешка болу жоьпаллин хаам ларар.
Х1окху кхайкхамехь ас ц1ераш ца йоху оцу тутмакхин. Т1аккха уьш байарна кхерам хиларна.
Омскера Береговая –туьшперачу ИК – 2 тутмакхашкара. Нохчийчуьра а, Г1алг1ачуьра а векалш
I’ve consistently followed this website for some time now, and thoroughly sickened by how the Russian authorities treated every Chechen on sight as if they’re such an abomination just by living in their own land. I hadn’t the nerve to comment, since, being an outsider myself, I know I could only give a decent and justified comment after I at least understand a glimpse of the story from both sides. But when my Russian friend admitted he was ashamed of what his country could do to another who just asked for freedom of oppression…I felt I had the cue to say something, to see the top of the iceberg of horrifying issues the Russian authorities. It was almost unbearable to see how much injustice and sorrow such a small, naturally peaceful country had to go through. And it had been going on for decades…barely noticed and responded to by the world! It’s as if the world is affected or – heaven forbid – terrified of Russia to take a bold action to save the innocent from continuously subjected to such cruelty!
I might not yet have the power or the resource to help in any meaningful way, but I’ll spread the word about this, link people to this article and this website, open as many eyes as I can…and hope that one day the people of Chechnya will have the freedom they’re very much entitled to.
Dear Azalea,
Better late than never! It’s pretty good that you’ve finally understood what Russia is. It sounds funny that you first wanted to see (and hear) the other side, i.e. the Russian one. About what: that a small heroic nation of Chechens made a threat to a big, rich, armed to the teeth “bear” named Russia? That- probably- the Chechens invaded Russia and bombed the humanitarian corridors where the “poor Russians” want to flee? Or the like… For almost two decade, the Russian military, leading by an incredibly large and powerful KGB criminal band (Putin on the top)have been killing, detaining (with deadly tortures and beating), humiliating and making all what can be done to exterminate the best generation (rather two of them) of Chechen men: most devoted, courageous, honest, which stand for their motherland and made a Resistance.
Russia must stand before a Nurenberg-like Court for its crimes (many call it genocide) in Chechnya.
Thank you for your generous wish to spread the word
Dear Azalea,
I absolutely understand your sense of outrage, I went through the same thing the first time I heard about the situation in Chechnya and the rest of the Caucasus. The silence of the world to the plight of the Chechens is sickening and Russia despite its repeated violations of basic human rights continues to be treated respectfully in the international arena. But, the Chechen people (May Allah bless them) are a strong, resilient nation and despite everything Russian rule has put them through they remain resolute in their quest for freedom.