Terror Against Civilians Doesn’t Stop
According to sources from Chechnya, bandits of bloody Kadirov regime and gangs of FSB have committed a new crime and kidnapped a Chechen civil resident of Dzhokhar Ghala from his home on August 20, 2009.
On August 2009, bandits of the national traitors and gangs of FSB came to the house of Anzorov family which was located in the Dalnyaya Street number 30 in the Yandarbiyev district (formerly Oktyabrskom) of Dzhokhkar-Ghala (formerly Grozny), capital of Chechnya. They arrested to Isa Anzorov (was born in 15.08.1976), and brutally beaten to whole family (to Isa, his mother, father, younger brother and sister). Later Isa was kidnapped by occupier and traitor forces.
There isn’t any information about the fate of Isa Anzorov.