The society bodies and names from the smallest to the largest are still exist with its all spiritedness in the Chechens. |
1. |
Düozal |
Nuclear family |
2. |
Cha (Ts’a) |
Residenc, Family |
3. |
Nieqhiy (Niekiy) |
Stirpes |
(aul = village, clan) |
4. |
Gar Soy |
Tribe |
5. |
Tayp |
Clan |
6. |
Tuxum |
Tribal Union |
7. |
Qham (Kam) |
Nation, Commonweal |
Düozal that nucleus of the family is parents (mother and father). Eight generation relatives which breeding from a mother and father, has names. In the literature, 3th, 4rd and 5th lines are calling generally as yuqharalla, yuqralallaš (category of people, categories of people; community, communites). |
Names of eight generation relatives, breed from a mother and father: |
Masculine |
Feminine |
In English: |
Dâ |
Nâna |
Father – Mother |
Vaša |
Yiša |
Brother – Sister |
Šiča |
Šiča |
Cousins, the children of brothers or sistersr |
Mäxč (Mähč) |
Mäxč (Mähč) |
Children of nephews |
Vovktar (Vovhtar) |
Yovxtar |
Grandchildren of nephews |
Yuqhyüokarg |
Yuqhyüokarg |
Great grandchildren of nephews |
Cheyôcurg |
Cheyôcurg |
Grand children of Great Child of nephews, unknown names |
Gergarnig |
Gergarnig |
Relatives |
Qôčušvierg |
Qôčušyierg |
Kinship |
Chechens has 9 Tribal Union (Tukhum) |
1. |
Äkkiy (Äkkxiy) |
Аккий (Аьккхий) |
2. |
Myälxiy (Mälxiy) |
Мялхи (Маьлхи) |
3. |
Noxčmäxkaxoy |
Нохчмахкахой |
4. |
Terloy |
Терлой |
5. |
Čantiy (Čjäntiy) |
Чантий (ЧIаьнтий) |
6. |
Čebarloy (Čjebarloy) |
Чебарлой (Ч1ебарлой) |
7. |
Šaroy |
Шарой |
8. |
Šotoy (Šuotoy) |
Шотой (Шуотой) |
9. |
Erštxoy (Orstxoy) |
Эрштхой (Орстхой) |
Tribal Unions (Tukhum) come into existance from Clans (Teip). |
Äkkiy (Äkkxiy) |
Аккий (Аьккхий) |
1. |
Barčaxoy |
Барчахой |
2. |
Zhevoy |
Жевой |
3. |
Zogoy (Zjogoy) |
Зогой (31огой) |
4. |
Nokkoy (Nokkxoy) |
Ноккой (Ноккхой) |
5. |
Pxarčoy (Pxharčoy) |
Пхарчой (Пхьарчой) |
6. |
Pxarčaxoy (Pxärčaxoy) |
Пхарчахой (Пхьарчахой) |
7. |
Vyäppiy (Väppiy) |
Вяппий (Ваьппий) |
Myälxiy (Mälxiy) |
Мялхи (Маьлхи) |
1. |
Byästiy (Bjästiy) |
Бястий (Б1аьетий) |
2. |
Benastxoy (Bjenastxoy) |
Бенастхой (Б1енастхой) |
3. |
İtalčxoy |
Италчхой |
4. |
Kamalxoy |
Камалхой |
5. |
Koratxoy (Kxoratxoy) |
Коратхой (Кхоратхой) |
6. |
Keganxoy (Kjeganxoy) |
Кеганхой (К1еганхой) |
7. |
Mešiy |
Меший |
8. |
Sakanxoy |
Саканхой |
9. |
Teratxoy |
Тератхой |
10. |
Čarxoy (Čjarxoy) |
Чархой (Ч1архой) |
11. |
Erxoy |
Эрхой |
12. |
Amxoy (Jamxoy) |
Амхой (1амхой) |
13. |
Jamxoy Byästiy (Bjäetiy) |
1амхой Бястий (Б1аьетий) |
14. |
Barčaxoy |
Барчахой |
15. |
Dzhjarxoy |
Дж1архой |
16. |
Yueganxoy |
Юеганхой |
Noxčmäxkaxoy |
Нохчмахкахой |
1. |
Alaroy (Jalaroy) |
Аларой (1аларой) |
2. |
Aytkxaloy |
Айткхалой |
3. |
Belgatoy (Belgjatoy) |
Белгатой (Белг1атой) |
4. |
Benoy |
Беной |
5. |
Biltoy |
Билтой |
6. |
Gordaloy (Gjordaloy) |
Гордалой (Г1ордалой) |
7. |
Gendargenoy |
Гендаргеной |
8. |
Gunoy |
Гуной |
9. |
Dattıxoy |
Даттыхой |
10. |
Dıšni |
Дышни |
11. |
Zandakhoy |
Зандакъой |
12. |
İxirxoy (İxjirxoy) |
Ихирхой (Их1ирхой) |
13. |
İšxoy |
Ишхой |
14. |
Kurčaloy |
Курчалой |
15. |
Sesanxoy |
Сесанхой |
16. |
Singalxoy |
Сингалхой |
17. |
Xaračoy |
Харачой |
18. |
Cjontaroy |
Ц1онтарой |
19. |
Čartoy |
Чартой |
20. |
Čermoy |
Чермой |
21. |
Širdi |
Ширди |
22. |
Šuonoy |
Шуоной |
23. |
Egašbatoy (Egjašbatoy) |
Эгашбатой (Эг1ашбатой) |
24. |
Elistanzhxoy |
Элистанжхой |
25. |
Enakxaloy |
Энакхалой |
26. |
Enganoy |
Энганой |
27. |
Ersanoy (Ersenoy) |
Эрсаной (Эрсеной) |
28. |
Yalxoy |
Ялхой |
Terloy |
Терлой |
1. |
Bavloy (Bjavloy) |
Бавлой (БIавлой) |
2. |
Bešxoy |
Бешхой |
3. |
Bešni (Böšni) |
Бешни (Боьшни) |
4. |
Gemeroy |
Гемерой |
5. |
Gizxoy |
Гизхой |
6. |
Gilšxoy |
Гилшхой |
7. |
Zheraxoy |
Жерахой |
8. |
Kenaxoy (Kxenaxoy) |
Кенахой (Кхенахой) |
9. |
Macarxoy (Macjarxoy) |
Мацархой (МацIархой) |
10. |
İnkaroy |
Никарой |
11. |
Ošniy (Öšniy) |
Ошний (Оьшний) |
12. |
Sanaxoy |
Санахой |
13. |
Šyuidiy (Šündiy) |
Шюидий (Шуьндий) |
14. |
Eltparxoy (Eltpkharxoy) |
Элтпархой (Элтпхьархой) |
Čantiy (Čjantiy) |
Чантий (ЧIаьнтий) |
1. |
Bugaroy (Bugjaroy) |
Бугарой (Буг1арой) |
2. |
Deraxoy (Döraxoy) |
Дерахой (Доьрахой) |
3. |
Kxokadoy (Kxuokxadoy) |
Кхокадой (Кхуокхадой) |
4. |
Xačaroy (Xhačaroy) |
Хачарой (Хьачарой) |
5. |
Xildexaroy (Xildexharoy) |
Хилдехарой (Хилдехьарой) |
6. |
Cjamdoy |
Ц1амдой |
Čebarloy (Čjebarloy) |
Чебарлой (Ч1ебарлой) |
1. |
Arstxoy |
Арстхой |
2. |
Ačeloy |
Ачелой |
3. |
Basoy |
Басой |
4. |
Begačerxoy |
Бегачерхой |
5. |
Bosoy |
Босой |
6. |
Buni |
Буни |
7. |
Gulatxoy |
Гулатхой |
8. |
Day (Djay) |
Дай (Д1ай) |
9. |
Zhelaškxoy |
Желашкхой |
10. |
Zürxoy |
Зуьрхой |
11. |
İxaroy |
Ихарой |
12. |
Kezenoy |
Кезеной |
13. |
Kiri |
Кири |
14. |
Kuloy |
Кулой |
15. |
Laškaroy |
Лашкарой |
16. |
Makazhoy |
Макажой |
17. |
Nizheloy |
Нижелой |
18. |
Nohči-keloy |
Нохчи-келой |
19. |
Nuyxoy |
Нуйхой |
20. |
Osxaroy |
Осхарой |
21. |
Rigaxoy |
Ригахой |
22. |
Sadoy |
Садой |
23. |
Salbyuroy |
Салбюрой |
24. |
Sandaxoy |
Сандахой |
25. |
Sikkaxoy (Sikkxaxoy) |
Сиккахой (Сиккxахой) |
26. |
Sirxoy |
Сирхой |
27. |
Tunduxoy |
Тундухой |
28. |
Xarkaloy |
Харкалой |
29. |
Xindoy |
Хиндой |
30. |
Xoy |
Хой |
31. |
Cikaroy |
Цикарой |
32. |
Čebyaxkinxoy |
Чебяхкинхой |
33. |
Čeremaxkxoy |
Черемахкхой |
Šaroy |
Шарой |
1. |
Buti |
Бути |
2. |
Dunarxoy |
Дунархой |
3. |
Zhogjaldoy |
Жог1алдой |
4. |
İkharoy |
Икъарой |
5. |
Kačexoy |
Качехой |
6. |
Kevasxoy |
Кевасхой |
7. |
Kinxoy |
Кинхой |
8. |
Kiri |
Кири |
9. |
Mazuxoy |
Мазухой |
10. |
Čerčixoy |
Серчихой |
11. |
Xašalxoy |
Хашалхой |
12. |
Ximoy |
Химой |
13. |
Xinduxoy |
Хиндухой |
14. |
Xixoy |
Хихой |
15. |
Xulandoy |
Хуландой |
16. |
Xakmadoy (Xhakmadoy) |
Хакмадой (Хьакмадой) |
17. |
Čeyroy |
Чейрой |
18. |
Šikaroy (Šikharoy) |
Шикарой (Шикьарой) |
19. |
Cesi |
Цеси |
Šotoy (Šuotoy) |
Шотой (Шуотой) |
1. |
Varandoy |
Варандой |
2. |
Vašindaroy |
Вашиндарой |
3. |
Gattoy (Gjattoy) |
Гаттой (Г1аттой) |
4. |
Gorgačxoy |
Горгачхой |
5. |
Dexestoy |
Дехестой |
6. |
Keloy |
Келой |
7. |
Muskulxoy |
Мускулхой |
8. |
Myaršoy |
Мяршой |
9. |
Nixaloy |
Нихалой |
10. |
Pamyatoy |
Памятой |
11. |
Ryaduxoy |
Рядухой |
12. |
Sanoy |
Саной |
13. |
Syattoy (Sättoy) |
Сяттой (Сäттой) |
14. |
Tumsoy |
Тумсой |
15. |
Urdyuxoy |
Урдюхой |
16. |
Xakkoy (Xhakkoy) |
Хаккой (Хьаккой) |
17. |
Xalkeloy |
Халкелой |
18. |
Xarsenoy |
Харсеной |
Erštxoy (Orstxoy) |
Эрштхой (Орстхой) |
1. |
Jalxoy |
1алхой |
2. |
Jandaloy |
1андалой |
3. |
Belxaroy |
Белхарой |
4. |
Bokoy |
Бокой |
5. |
Bulgučxoy |
Булгучхой |
6. |
Bielxa-Nekhi |
Виелха-некъи |
7. |
Garčoy (Gjarčoy) |
Гарчой (Г1арчой) |
8. |
Galay |
Галай |
9. |
Gandaloy (Gjandaloy) |
Гандалой (Г1андалой) |
10. |
Merzhoy |
Мержой |
11. |
Muzhaxoy |
Мужахой |
12. |
Muzhgaxoy |
Мужгахой |
13. |
Örgxoy |
Оьргхой |
14. |
Fergxoy |
Фергхой |
15. |
Xayxaray |
Хайхарай |
16. |
Yalxaroy |
Ялхарой |
17. |
Cečoy (Cječoy) |
Цечой (Ц1ечой) |
Clans (Teip) which isn’t include of a Tribal Union (Tukhum) |
1. |
Guxoy |
Гухой |
2. |
Gučingxoy |
Гучингхой |
3. |
Dzumcoy (Bugjaroy) |
Дзумсой (Буг1арой) |
4. |
Maystı |
Майсты |
5. |
Mulkhoy |
Мулкьой |
6. |
Key |
Кей |
7. |
Našxoy |
Нашхой |
8. |
Pešxoy |
Пешхой |
9. |
Xukoy |
Хукой |
10. |
Činxoy |
Чинхой |
Clans (Teip) which its root is from different nations |
1. |
Abzoy |
Chechenize Abkhazians |
Абзой |
2. |
Arseloy |
Chechenize Russians |
Арселой |
3. |
Gjebertloy |
Chechenize Kabardians |
Г1ебертлой |
4. |
Zhugtiy |
Chechenize Jews |
Жугтий |
5. |
Nogjiy |
Chechenize Nogays |
Ног1ий |
6. |
Orsi |
Chechenize Russians |
Орси |
7. |
Turkoy |
Chechenize Turks |
Туркой |
8. |
Čerkaziy |
Chechenize Circassians |
Черказий |
9. |
Gjezloy |
Chechenize Tatars |
Г1езлой |
Clans(Teip) belongs Chechenize Georgians |
1. |
Ardaloy |
Ардалой |
2. |
Bacoy |
Бацой |
3. |
Ghurzhiy |
Гьуржий |
4. |
Mexaloy |
Мехалой |
5. |
Čartoy |
Чартой |
6. |
Šoy |
Шой |
Clans(Teip) belongs Chechenize Dagestanians |
1. |
Jandiy (Andiycı) |
1андий (андийцы) |
2. |
Akxšoy |
Акхшой |
3. |
Almakxoy |
Алмакхой |
4. |
Ancadoy |
Анцадой |
5. |
Argjanoy |
Арг1аной |
6. |
Axtoy |
Ахтой |
7. |
Börtiy |
Боьртий |
8. |
Gjaz-gjumkiy (Lakcı) |
Г1аз-г1умкий (лакцы) |
9. |
Gjalgjtloy |
Г1алг1тлой |
10. |
Gjumkiy (Kumıki) |
Г1умкий (кумыки) |
11. |
Danuxoy |
Данухой |
12. |
Zhjay |
Ж1ай |
13. |
Etloy |
Этлой |
14. |
Kogjatiy |
Ког1атий |
15. |
Kulinaxoy |
Кулинахой |
16. |
Kübčiy (Kubačincı) |
Куьбчий (кубачинцы) |
17. |
Khordoy |
Къордой |
18. |
Melardoy |
Мелардой |
19. |
Nikotoy |
Никотой |
20. |
Särxoy |
Саьрхой |
21. |
Sogjattoy |
Сог1аттой |
22. |
Suliy (Avarcı) |
Сулий (аварцы) |
23. |
Tjundalxxoy |
Т1ундалххой |
24. |
Tarkxoy (Kumuki) |
Таркхой (кумыки) |
25. |
Xjakaroy |
Х1акарой |
26. |
Judaloy |
1удалой |
27. |
Cjadarxoy (Cudarincı) |
Ц1адархой (цударинцы) |
28. |
Čanakxoy |
Чанакхой |
29. |
Čungaroy |
Чунгарой |
30. |
Šolardoy |
Шолардой |
Collected by WaYNaKH Online. |
Sources: |
Tarik Cemal Kutlu (History of the Chechen Resistance, Istanbul 2005) |
Mohmad Mamakayev (Çeçenskiy tayp v period ega radlojeniya, Grozny 1973) |
Hey so I did not finde the Clan/ Teip эхшбату / ехшбату / экшбату / екшбату
I don’t really know how it’s written but my Father told me He is from there so we (my siblings and Mother) are too.
Does it even exist?
And also my father told me that we are akkhi in tukhum and in taip chantiy which also is in tukhum but isnt written in taip
Yes it does! I am a chechen was born and raised in jordan fifth generation chechen, i speak my mither tongue and practice all the traditions of the chechens as a community we kept our identity, a plus most chechens in jordan have reached their 5 or 6th grandfathers village and met our cousins there, i can help if you would like to reach to your cousins
What is the name in english letters?
Yes, it does. Look under Noxcmaxkaxoy number 23. There you have Yeg1ashbatoy
İm from Turkoy tayp . Turkoy tayp is not racially turk . Our Grandfathers moved to Ottomans to fight with Russians when they come back to chechenia they get turkoy tayp name
As salam alaikum im from sesinoy we are chechens from turkey can anyone help to find family in Chechnya
So, do chechens have tribes? I saw in the beginning there was written “tribes, gar soy”, but there is no list of them.
@KAY Chechens don’t exactly have tribes, only clans. Most clans nowadays belong to Tukkhums (‘Tribal’ Unions), but it’s not an obligation to become a part of one. I believe the ‘gar’ bit mentioned above refers to patronymic lineage within the clan