Vaha Umarov: “Kadirov send his 17 hitmen to kill us!”
Turkish daily newspaper Yenisafak published an interview with Vaha Umarov who is the general representative of so-called Caucasus Emirate in Turkey and Europe, also the brother of Dokka Umarov, declared himself as an Emir of Caucasus.
Acoording to news of daily newspaper Yenisafak with the signature of Abdullah Yildirim on May 31, 2009 , Vaha Umarov said, after 3 months of Ali Osaev assassination in Turkey, Chechens who seek refuge in Turkey are still worrying and he is also nervous. And he added, they don’t have any information about investigations of the assassinations against Chechen asylum seekers in Turkey.
Vaha Umarov said: “Turkey is our second home, our children are growing here and we can’t be in any illegal activities. However, sometimes oppressed people of the Chechen war was also sacrificed to the dezenformations. Some Chechens who were attended to mafia business and dirty jobs, certainly aren’t with us. Turkey must give their penalties. We’ll never look after them. “
Vaha Umarov said: “Kadirov bought the traitors and agents, they are trying to divide thousands of Chechen in Turkey and Europe. If they can’t buy the people or they don’t bend the knee in front of Russia, then they will kill these people because of their oath about it. There aren’t any internal conflict of mafia business about sharing money as somebody said the background of the assassinations of Chechen refugees.“
According to Vaha Umarov, Kadirov said that he will bury to whole mujaheedens under 3 metres of ground and created an assassination team, “8th Force” in his army, later he send his 17 hitmen to Turkey and Europe so weapons may fire at any moment.
Vaha Umarov also rejected to informations about supporting of US as weapons and money for Chechen fighters. He added, they don’t have any help from any country, just normal people around the world try to help Chechen nation and during the 14 years of the conflict, the total amount of money which Chechens got are 1 million 860 thousands US dollar.