Chechen Culture
Hospitality in Chechen Culture
A legend says that the ancestor of all Chechens – Nokhchuo – was born with a piece of iron in one hand and a ... -
Vainakh Ethics by Edi Isaev
We share a summary of the book “Vainakh Ethics” on customs and traditions of Chechens by Edi Isaev. It is an utmost important work. -
The Abrek in Chechen Culture by Rebecca Gould
In his formative monograph on abrechestvo, Yuri Botiakov argues that the abrek exists on the threshold dividing death from life.[1] He counter poses this ... -
“Desert Mirages” a story by Taisa Irs
“Desert Mirages”, a short story by famous Chechen writer Taisa Irs. It was the only one translated story of the 2008 Short Story Competition ... -
Chechen Women Names
Here you can find the list of well known or most used Chechen women names: -
Chechen Men Names
Here you can find the list of well known or most used Chechen men names: