The Editor of Dissident Website Left From Her Position
Roza Malsagova, the chief editor of dissident Ingush website: said she left from her mission.
Roza Malsagova had repeatedly talked about the threats which she received via her email address, but was hacked by an unknow group and there was appeard a threat message a few days ago, Roza Malsagova’s name was also at the warning message; after this event she decided to give an end her work.
The militans think that is in cooperation with Yunusbek Yevkurov administration. But earlier Roza Malsagova had described their website as “This site has been fixed by a Muslim, his materials have helped many and we were great successes and achievements with help of Allah. The site published materials about the commendable work of Mujahedeens, wrote condolences in connection with the death of our brothers and sisters in the way of Allah. Then all knew that, if necessary to get operational and independent information about events in Ingushetia, then you need only go to this address on the internet.”
Let’s remember, the owner of the dissitent website Magomed Yevloev was killed in last year; the site was publishing in the domain adress: “” until last year, but with the decision of the Russian courts, this domain name was closed and the site decided to continue their work at