Scandal! German Court Qualifies Murder of Russian Soldiers as War Crime
In Germany, the Federal Administrative Court has found the actions of the Chechen who killed two Russian soldiers in an armed conflict to be a war crime.
The claimant in this case was the Federal Authority for Migration and Refugees, which refused to grant political asylum to the Chechen, who had killed two Russian soldiers and kidnapped one more in an attempt to liberate his brother. This resident of Chechnya arrived in Germany in 2002 and applied for political asylum arguing that in case of his deportation to Russia he would be politically persecuted, as the Deutsche Welle, Germany’s international broadcaster, reports.
On February 16, this German Court ruled that a murder of a military committed by a civilian even an armed conflict zone can be qualified as a war crime.
He managed to succeed in lower instance: both the administrative court and the supreme administrative court in Magdeburg ruled his actions were beyond the definition of “war crime”, as they were undertaken against soldiers, not against civilians, as the Deutsche Welle reported. However, the Federal Authority for Migration and Refugees protested against this decision, the “Gazeta.Ru” writes.
After the scandal verdict of the Federal Administrative Court, the case was returned for repeated consideration to the supreme administrative court of Magdeburg.
The decision of the Federal Administrative Court reminds us Adolf Hitler’s Volksgerichtshof (People’s Court). But Federal Administrative Court was merciful than it, at least they didn’t punish the Chechen asylum seeker with death sentence. Probably the court forgot that its mission is dispencing justice. Some of commentators says that the decision is politic and related with Nord Stream, the gas pipeline project on the Baltic seabed from Russia to Germany.
Now the German judges must give an answer, if a murder of a military committed by a civilian even an armed conflict zone can be qualified as a “war crime”; then how must we describe the mass murders, bombing of residental areas, abductions, tortures which are committing by Russian forces in Chechnya?