M.Kocab: “We can not Compel Rejected Chechen Asylum Seekers to Return!”
Eurozpravy, a Czech news website, reported that Rejected applicants for international protection from Chechnya should be returned to their country of origin on a strictly voluntary basis, said the Czech Republic’s government Commissioner for Human Rights Michael Kocáb on June 9 Thursday.
“The Government Council for Human Rights adopted the initiative of the Committee on the Rights of Foreigners on the issues of international protection and return policies to the country of origin of Chechens today,” said Kocáb and explained, that the committee has resolved that the Chechens, who have been denied of international protection, should be returned on a voluntary basis only.
Government Council for Human Rights approved this proposal and the Government will also deal it in nearest future.
Kocáb added, that the Committee proposes to be engaged the Ministries of Interior and Justice in the issue. “We can not exclude, that return could mean a danger or even death,” explained Kocáb the reason why the committee resorted to this requirement.
The initiative is currently pending the remark’s procedure, Kocáb commented, and it will go to the Government then. “The complaint is processed together with the Committee against Torture,” said Kocáb and added, that this committee will monitor the activities of the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of Interior.
The question of Chechen refugees is a hot topic in the Czech Republic in recent months. The most famous medial case was probably the story of Georgian refugees of Chechen nationality Timur Borchashvili. The Ministry of Interior has decided to expel him from the country despite the obvious danger that threatened to Borchashvili. Senator Jaromír Štětina (non-party) was also heavily involved to the case. Borchashvili should continue to stay, according to unofficial information, in the Czech Republic. Timur’s case close to solve.