Chechen Family Faces Deportation from Belgium
“Het Nieuwsblad“, a Belgian newspaper, has reported that a Chechen asylum seeking family is facing deportation from Belgium to the Russian occupied Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.
According to the information, Visita K (38 year old), his wife Zhanna U (38 year old) and their children Magomed (5 year old), Nasruddi (4 year old) and Rajana (7 months) fled from the Russian occupied Chechen Republic of Ichkeria about a year ago. They have asked for asylum from Belgium. However, they recieved a negative verdict from the FEDASIL (Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers). First of all, on July 12 they have to leave the house in the Evergem municipality, which was given by OCMW (The Public Centre for Social Welfare in Belgium), and then in 30 days, they have to leave Belgium.
“I am wanted by the men of Ramzan Kadyrov, because I am a former fighter. I fled from the political regime in our homeland. Returning is not an option for me. I would be arrested immediately and who knows my fate then. On the other hand, my eldest son is severely handicapped and in Chechnya he cannot get the necessary medical treatment. If we have to leave the OCMW house, we do not know where we will go. We do not know anyone in Belgium, we have neither a relative nor a friend here. Moreover, my two eldest son’s go to school here in this city. They have also learned the Dutch language,” said Visita.
“The family has 30 days to appeal for medical reasons against the decision of Fedasil, however, the appeal isn’t suspensive,” said Johan Van Hove, social affairs responsible at Evergem municipality and board member of Vzw KIN (Kids in Distress), who is still trying to undo the decision.
Vzw KIN asked Maggie de Block, the State Secretary for Asylum, Migration and Social Integration, to take an exceptional measure.
“The various procedures have been completed. Now the family is in medical tour. There are many exceptions to be made. Perhaps we can not stretch more than the current situation. OCMW-Evergem never drove asylum seekers out from their houses. Our social committee will wait until next week, then perhaps there will be a decision,” said Etienne Van de Velde, the chairman of OCMW.
*Text was translated by Waynakh Online and edited by Michael Capobianco