No Asylum for “The Angel of Grozny”?
A group supporting of Khadizhat Gataeva, also known as “The Angel of Grozny”, and her husband Malik Gataev, say that Finnish officials have rejected their applications for asylum.
According to website and the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE, Finnish Immigration Service made a negative decision about Gataevs asylum application and communicated them on March 10. “Immigration Service has decided that Lithuania is a safe country for asylum” said Marjaana Laine, lawyer of Gataevs.
A Finnish support group of Gataevs were disappointed with the decision and point out that in Lithuania Gataevs treated as inhuman and the legal proceedings as unlawful.
The Finnish Immigration Service officials decline to comment on this issue.
This decision fulfiled the preceding judgment of the Municipal Court of Helsinki. Now the definite judgement of the court is waiting.
Let’s call the mind, Khadizhat and Malik Gataev have run orphanages for Chechen children in Chechnya and later in Lithuania. But they became a victim of Lithuanian unlawful assaults and kept in prison for 10 months. After they released, Gataevs went to Finland and asked a political asylum, meanwhile the Lithuanian court sentenced another 7 months more prison for the couple with the orders of Lithuanian State Security Departmant and asked them from Finland on the basis of of European Arrest Warrant. Finnish police arrested them for extradition, but municipal court of Helsinki had postponed the decision until the asylum seeking process will be over.