New Cyber Attacks to Chechen Webpage by Arabians
The Arabians did new cyber attacks and hacked to the webpage an independent Chechen news agency one more time at yesterday evening.
On June 23,2009 a Moslem Arabian who is calling himself as “Twister” and a member of “Security Crew” group, hacked to the official webpage an independent Chechen news agency webpage under the domain name Some members of this group had attacked to same Chechen webpages at last weekend. Again there weren’t any message to why are Chechen webpages on their target. As we could learn, the hacker Twister has a signature as “Warriors of Islam” when he hacked to webpages. Both of Chechen webpages are unavailable at the moment. The admins of the webpages are working on this issue and they said “we are sorry for this defect, we will back soon after we close to our security holes”.
We, WaYNaKH Online administrastion condemn to hackers for their unlawful cyber attacks to Chechen webpages. We hope Chechen webpages will go on their life in near future again.
Arabs work for ruSSia!