Big Game
Our dependency on natural gas and oil imported from the East is increasing dramatically. It significantly breached the energy safety margin. It is not in line with suitable EU directives. This is a reason why I ask to justify the diversification project, which is the construction of an oil pipeline system running from northern Iraq and supplying oil to the Odessa-Brody-Płock oil pipeline. Suppliers of Caspian oil in economically required quantities are becoming more problematic.
This idea could be realized by a Polish-Ukrainian-Turkish consortium, which together with American companies would be able to construct a 750 km oil pipeline connecting the north of Iraq with the Black Sea shore. Assuming oil tankers loading in the Hopa region (Turkish harbor close to Georgia border) and offloading at the terminal in Piwdenne, close to Odessa, it would be the shortest transportation route of Iraqi oil to EU markets. Construction of a Mosul – Hopa pipeline could facilitate in repossession of significant amounts of Iraqi liabilities to Poland and could strengthen Ukraine’s independency. It could also significantly ease tension between Turks and Kurds, since transit fees would be paid to Turkey and the budget and protection of this new pipeline system, road construction and earth works would be given to members of local Kurdish tribes. The powerful Sarmatian pipeline from the fields of the Shah denis up to European countries would be the great diversification stablizing the gas supply as the raw material. It will be the action to defy and against the line of conduct of militarization of Gazprom and it would be also extremely recomended to protect the pipelines and all oil pipelines against attacks of terrorism in the area of Trancaucasus as it is in Kazakhstan, Turkemnistan and Middle-East countries, including Israel. The above mentioned protection should be put in charge to the untrust formation of volunteers – to which could have free access for the refugees from Chechnya.
In the course of the next decades the mineral oil and the natural earth gas will remain the essential raw materials and the possibility of their turnover in the participation on the free market will be the security of the equalised and balanced development of every country.
According to some prognosis in the middle of this century both fuels will give the field for hydrates and hydrogen.
Now is time to remind the beginnings of the utilization of the liquid gold.
The Medows and the Persians–Worshippers of the god of brilliance–ORZMUD; lighted an eternal fire in the altars. One of the altars had been situated on the highest point of the Tower of the maidens wich ruled over the antique Baku. It was feeded the flame by the ill-smelling tan-coloured liquid.
Flowed from the rocks of windings of the Zagros Mountains. In wine skins made in goatskins.It had been delivered by the caravans of camels. White clad priests from the tribe of Magi were not greeted with enthusiasm the Persian Achaemenid Empire and the state religion-Mazdeizm. The “temples of fire” had been demolished. Naphtha fall within the increasingly common use – as a cure for those suffering from parchy camels and human diseases. King Darius instituted a tax on its production. Three thousand years ago in the delta of the Euphrates and Tigris sailed round the asphalt sealed, woven from wicker boats. Earthen dwellings lighted by oil lamps. The rocky oil was used in Egypt for the preparation of mummies and magic rites. Byzantines discovered that mixed with quicklime lime lights up on contact with water. Wartime know-how were extremely effective in destroying enemy fleets at sea. Drilling engaged in the search for oil at this time also using the Chinese bits of bronze and bamboo pipes. In the early Middle Ages, the Balkans Aethious monk asserted that shells immersed in oil mixed with the blood of children are immune to the blows of any arms. During the Tang Dynasty (613-907 AD) authority emperors of China reached the Caspian Sea, built dominion over the lands north of the taiga. So at least two thirds of the current territoris of Siberia. When Tataro-Mongols created the largest empire in history also they took possession of the areas inhabited by the East-Slavonic wilderness. They had a great war, know-how, they used the psychotronics weapon and the rockets. They had an excellent system of “Urton-connection” and the right called “JASA” over the centuries, civilization conquests took them to the inhabitants of Russia. In the mongolia language the word “Moscow” means the stream flowing through the swamp. The King (The Khan) Nogaj descendant of Genghis Khan Khan, married the Byzantine Emperor Coka, whip, pointed out the main ridge Caucasus as the boundaries of the Golden Horde. Stretching to the north called “The nogaj steppe”. During the USSR it was the “Stavropol Krai”. Lord of the Moscow continues to believe that an indication of the Mongol scourge forever designated boundaries of the Holy Russia. The nations of the Caucasus and Siberia, never to do-they will not agree.
In modern times, the first concession for the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources in Iran had been recevied by Baron Julius de Reuter. The future “father” of the famous Reuter agency.This had been given to him by the Shah in 1827. The first 43 tonnns of the iranian oil had been exported in 1914.
In Azerbaijan-Land of Fire, on the edge of a small town Janan Dag, which means in Turkish “burning up”, the fire was burning in rocky crevices all the time of nineteenth century. In the region of Baku nearly half of world oil production had been mined. Surachanach deposits was an interest of Dmitri Mendeleev. In the building where he had his laboratory lived the refugees from Karabakh. The Pole Witold Zglenicki was promoted on a global scale mining off shore.
Currently, the era of the omnipotent reign of crude oil is nearing completion. Decision-makers from countries involved in leading positions in its exports because they want to maximize the last five minutes. One of them is primarily the power elite of Russia. Due to this reason the leaders of Russia introduced the intimidation and loop-suspension of gas deliveries to Ukraine and Belarus and to maintain the colonial status of Siberia and the Caucasus. This is the primary issue for them. Russia administerings nearly one sixth of the globe surface of ca 12.7 million. Km2. It is a colonial country. Brazil was once a colony of Portugal and the Belgian Congo.
The Russians have taken over once the Mongol rule of the sovereign nations of the extermination of the elite located within the territory which became the target of their conquests: It met the Lithuanians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, Yakut, Tatars, Chechens. Lords of Moscow using the genocide and the russification had always treated the Poles as an “art gubernandum”. It is clear that it never been, is and will be with them no any friendship. We remember the words of Adam Mickiewicz: “Woes of exile approached the Polish nation with other strains of the Slavs. Otherwise there would be no way to bring the Poles to Russia-the nation which is independent, free, proud of their freedoms, what could possibly have common with the nation of slavery, which was oppressed, accustomed to the yoke of centuries!”
The crimes of the Holocaust and the murder by the Nazis about 6 mln of Jewis- the whole world knows, but it’s true that the Russians organised the ice camps in the system deprived of life at least ten times as many people still did not reach everyone. Demographic forecasts for Russia are alarming. The number of its citizens is reduced by about 800,000 per year. It is worth to know and to aware of the consequences of the fact that soon about 40% of conscripts in the army of this country be born in families who profess Islam. Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev, assassinated by agents of the FSB poet and president of Chechnya in which the capital was built quite recently one of the largest mosques in Asia claimed that the empire could be saved if the green flag of the Prophet will hang in the Kremlin, relied on the precedent of Byzantium. Let us put aside the prophecy. Now Russia’s GDP is on the level of Spain. It is important to realize that the eastern ends of the continent of Europe is now the rulers of the state will resort to more drastic methods to maintain the imperial status. There is no doubt that the crumbling empire, possessing great potential of nuclear weapons left outside its borders a large, an powerful army of spies. I am full of praise for Prime Minister Putin who in an interview for the Polish television on 1 September 2009 stated that in the case of gas agreements we had to deal with corruption. Polish growing dependency of natural gas supplies from Russia increases our level of dependency -also on supplies of oil from that country in the quantities. Russia is becoming the major and biggest exporter of oil in the world with 7.7 mill bpd (barrels per day), considering this level of Russian oil production will expire- reserves around year 2020. Russia is becoming a major player on the world energy market sources due to the fact that they control 1/3 oil reserves in Caspian Sea region -at least half of natural gas and the possibilities TO HAVE the control over the reserves of Persian Gulf countries and to finally posses its own reserves. It is extremely dangerous for global stabilization.
USSR in the most glorious days of their history was never able to achieve such position.
Caspian Sea basin has perfect location considering access to European, Middle East, Central Asia and even markets. It contains at least 15% of Known Reserves of earth carbohydrates in the Amount of 200 billion barrels of oil and 6 trillion m/3 of natural gas. By the end of this decade production from this basin May Reach 4.5 mill bpd, qhich is more than present production from the North Sea.
Natural gas and oil from this region will dominate the European market.
2.Strategic Decisions:
In the autumn of 1994 report made by well-known group of Experts from Brown & Root has been published. This report presents many different routes for transit of oil from Caspian Sea basin.
Originally Caspian oil was to reach Black Sea shore to Baku-Supsa pipeline. Decision to extend this pipeline system further to the west was caused by political Reasons. It is worth to quote an opinion of Professor Marjorie Cohn, “By the reincarnation and enlargement of the NAO and by expanding sphere of influence to the east United States of America intends to Establish domination of West over Rich Deposits of oil in Caspian Sea basin. West Europe must extend its influence to there east in order the ensure safety access to Caspian oil. U.S. intends to control this process. Otherwise why would with the USA spend billions of dollars for bombing Kosovo, if that region would not hold strategic position between extremely reach deposits of oil and Their European allies?” (Chicago Tribune, dated 05/20/1999).
Military operations in Chechnya had and still have very Similar cause. Moscow is securing pipeline Baku-Tichoreck in such a way, the only way, through which in last decades, it was Possible to transport oil produced in south cliffs of Caspian Sea to Russia. Extension of pipeline transport of Caspian oil alongside the northern shore of Turkey through Samsun to Europe did not come into life due to the lack of political Stabilization in Balkan states. It was decided to construct a pipeline, crossing the Anatolia region of Ceyhan – off loading terminal on Midterean Sea. Thanks to this decision straits of Bosporus were avoided with its limitations off quantity and size of tankers, which could pass those stairs per day. Transportation capacity of this water is being used in at least 95%. It is also very danger due to the fact that oil tankers are passing hears or Istanbul only to few hundred meters. Oil from Kazakhstan field (Tengiz – north west region of Caspian sea basin) is being transported at the moment to European markets by modernized pipeline system through Samara and using DRUZBA pipeline system with well-known consequences.
3.Contract of century:
In 2003, Russia signed a 25 year contract for the supply of natural gas with Turkmenistan. It was announced as the biggest contract in history with a value exceeding 600 billion dollars. By this action Russia managed to block American initiatives in that region. Turkmenistan intends to increase natural gas production to the level of 120 bill m/e p.a. Moscow to achieve the situation in which all east Caspian countries accepted common transit policy and unified energy balance.
For the transit fee They will charge about 3.3USD / 1000 m/3 for every 100 km.
After start-up of the Blue Stream pipeline (Constructed across Black Sea) for some time in Turkey was 90% dependant on natural gas supplies from Russia. This occasion was used by the supplier, which raised the price to the maximum. Turkey threaten thhat they will go with this case to international arbitrary court and they were victories,after signing long-term natural gas supply contract with Iran.
4.New Investments:
In Iran, which have over 5% share in the global market of oil production, Russian companies are searching in Khuzestan, simultaneously. They are also selling to this country equipment and know – how mandatory to use nuclear energy. Value of this trade is Estimated for 7 billion dollars.
In Iraq, second largest produced of oil in the world, which posses biggest deposits of the natural gas in the area, just after the U.S. intervention, Russian companies monopolized production of natural gas, using reserves which were generated during period of economical sanctions after invasion in Kuwait and signing contracts for search of new deposits. Their value is for estimated 3.5 bill. USD presently this value is much higher.
Russia was the biggest purchase of Iraqi oil even in the beginning war. This was a main reason why Russia was only Able to make efficient tension on Saddam Hussein’s actions.
Azerbaijan is becoming a very attractive country for new investments, not only in petrochemical business. This country is recovering from economical disaster. Azerbaijan is also one out of six main domains of investments AMOCO/BP concern, Mr. which uses Zbigniew Brzezinski as an advisor. This concern spends about 10 mill USD per day for realization of four projects:
a)The Exploration of Azeri – Chirag – Guanaszli fields (ACG)
b)Exploration of Shah Deniz fields cliff,
c)Construction of Southern Caucasus Pipeline (SCP)
d)Construction of the Baku – Tbilisi – Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline.
For coming five years investment spending related with those projects are to Increase to U.S. $ 2 billion pa
5.Caucasus (northern part):
At the moment Russia controls only 19% of sea shore line of Caspian Sea, but they are becoming no.1 player on the global market of energy to materials having a control over transportation routes of energy medias from that region. It is also very probable that Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, construct Aktau-Baku pipeline. This pipeline is intended to cooperate with the BTC pipeline system and should also allow transporting Kazakh oil to world markets. It is very probable that, direction of oil flow may be reversed. It would be a similar scenario to this played on Odessa-Brody pipeline. It would also mean a giant looses of the BTC Investors, which will have no medium to transport.
6.Mosul-Hopa Pipeline:
Northern Iraq is located about 750 km from the shore of Black Sea. If oil pipeline would initiate in the area of Al Mausil (Mosul), its route could be located alongside the road no. 430 to Sirnak in Turkey and passing and Siirt, Bitlis and along northern slopes of the Toroslar mountains to Mus, Varto and Erzurum – ancient Byzantine Teodozjopilis and would continue alongside the road no. 950 in the valley of Artvin to the region of small harbor in Hopa twenty something km from the Georgia border. Mountain terrains of eastern Turkey are inhabited by Kurds. Until recent times, it was a main reason for Baku Supsa pipeline to be constructed along the seashore to Samsun and extend it by few hundred km to the west. Kurds are one out of few Islamic nations, Which have some sympathy for the “boys from the other side of the sea”. Considering change of the political situation in the region, caused by presence of coalition army in Iraq it is possible to minimize risk related with terrorist’s attacks on pipelines. 32 “diameter pipe (813 mm) connecting Iraqi oil deposits with shore of Black Sea should allow the transport of at least 24 MTA (million tones of oil per annum). Its cost will probably not be higher than 700 mill USD so it is equal to the value of Iraqi liabilities toward Poland. Preparation of “right of way” which can cost up to 1/3 of the investment cost should be given to Turkish companies EPC and delivery of piping to Ukrainian and polish companies. Oil piers in Hopa Russian. A group of Arab banks acting on the Middle East is interested in the project finance.
7.Iraq–Poland oil route:
Polish growing dependency of natural gas supplies from Russia increases our dependency also on supplies of oil from that country in the Quantities, which significantly exceed the energy level of safety. Odessa-Brody pipeline system has been the transport of 40 Planned MTA. It was to become backbone of Ukrainian energy independence. It still does not operate. Ukraine suffers looses. Russians announced that they would like to use it but for the transport of oil from the Druzhba pipeline system in opposite direction than originally planned. It is in their economical interest. Taking into consideration loading of oil into tankers and of loading in Piwdenne next to Odessa Shorter would be to 4.000 km and cheaper by 15% of the transportation route of this medium to Central Europe and Baltic Sea basin. Production cost of one barrel in Iraq is one of the cheapest in the world now.
Area transit and sales market may be regarded as a good nation ..
8.From the date on 26 March this year -to the office of Polish President Kaczynski (died in the Smoleńsk disaster)– the expert’s group report showed that the treasury in Poland would end no fee for transit of gas sent from Russia to Germany, her height calculated in accordance with the opinion of an expert Prof.Johna Cieslewicz-American Gas Association (USA) for the past 10 years to reach min. 6 billion USD.
Death in a plane crash in Smolensk NATO generals and Polish elites served the economic interests of Gazprom. The old Latin principle said: “Cui Bono”.
That was why the editors of the Polish Journal PIPELINES took patronage over this issue-publishing the book covering full documentation of this so called “accident,”-in tha USA. The introduction by Viktor Suvorov.
The Russian Federation is one of the largest exporters of the oil in the world. She controls at least the one third of oil resources of the Caspian Sea region, half of the gas fields; also has the ability to control resources in the Persian Gulf. It is a major player in the global energy market. USSR at the height of its power was never able to take a similar position.
Its reserves are exhausted, however, probably quite quickly corroded far-reaching the vast majority of pipeline infrastructure located in the territories that once belonged to the Soviet Union is a fact. A significant part of them is the so-called areas: “permafrost”. It is estimated that the repairs should be invested ca. 1100 billion USD.
Proven oil reserves in the Caspian basin reaches up to 4% of the globe, were divided into the northern part of the bottom of the sea on three unequal sectors. Kazakhstan has received 27%, Russia 19% and 18% of coast for Azerbaijan. The forecasts are characterized by a large volume of resource dispersion. From 17 to 33 billion barrels. According to the forecasts for 2015 in Kazakhstan, the Tengiz oil field exploitation and Kulsary, is intended to allow increased production to 2.6 million bpd. Deposits Azerbaijani Azeri and Chirag and deep-Gunashli-up to the end of the decade will allow for the extraction of ca 1 million bpd. Caspian Sea countries have been drawn into the Great Game.
Turkmenistan -took it a special place. Russia signed a 25 year old all-gas contract worth over 600 billion U.S. dollars effectively blocking the American initiative in Iran, whose share of world oil production is above 5%, Russian companies are actively searching for a long time (Khuzestan), selling equipment and know-how of using nuclear energy as a mediator of conflict with the northern neighbor Armenia.
In Iraq, a major global oil producer, possessing the largest reserves in the area of natural gas just before the American intervention of Russian companies monopolized the production, fighting for reserves accumulated by the sanctions imposed after the Kuwait invasion, and concluding contracts for the search for new deposits. Their value amounted to 3.5 billion USD.
Azerbaijan- is becoming an extremely attractive destination for locating new business ventures not only in the petrochemical industry. It is one of six main areas of activity of the investment company AMOCO/BP which employs as an advisor Mr. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Successful initiative of the former president of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, whose genius and determination led to the launch of the BTC pipeline-which break the doctrine of Chernomyrdin. The Aktau-Baku pipeline working with him was to enable the entry of Kazakh oil to world markets. However, it is unlikely to alter the direction of its flow. This would be a scenario similar to the RBS from the oil pipeline Odessa-Brody pipeline. The Russians currently use it at this moment to discharge the oil from the Druzhba pipeline system to the opposite direction.
Kazakhstan is one of the largest countries on the globe. It has a significant Russian-speaking minority. From Kazakh oil fields to European markets currently the oil flows through the Samara… In the region of the Tengiz-Kulsary are the oil fields with resources comparable to those available to Saudi Arabia. Kazakhstan is also an area of ecological disaster. The consequences of carrying out the training grounds in the Semipalatinsk and in Mangyshlak-where were 113 atmospheric and 346 undergrounds nuclear explosions-it was for a long time top secret and not known for the public in the world Moving the capital to the Akmoly have a dimension geopolitics. We have to see together with a statement providing the Chinese government guarantees for the territorial integrity of Kazakhstan. Pipeline system operator having a 6.410 km in Kazakhstan is state-owned company KAZTRANSOIL. It represents them as isolated systems from each other systems.
* “West” region Mangyshlak-Atyrau and Tengiz deposits linked to the refinery in Atyrau.
* “East,” partly out of service, enable the transport of oil from Western Siberia to refineries in Pavlodar and Czardżaand Czymkent and other refineries near the Uzbek-turkmenistan border.
* “North” connects the oil fields and Żanaschol Kenczak with the refinery in Orsk.
Extraction and transport of one thousand kilometers covered tundra permafrost and gas from the “Yamal” peninsula is at least four times more expensive than its purchase in Kazakhstan.The group of experts comprehensive study of the strategies whch should take this country in terms of exports of crude oil to world markets. Kazakhstan intended to set up a consortium that was to take a bus construction of pipeline from the Tengiz region to the south through Turkmenistan and Iran to the terminal in the Persian Gulf. This option would exclude participation of companies from the U.S. in any major investment projects. Considered a few options. Assumed the swap agreement between the French oil company TOTAL and the Government of Iran and the construction of a pipeline through Turkmenistan and Iran to the Persian Gulf. His route bypassing the top of Elbrus and resembled the letter “S” it was decided to locate- the Zagros Oil Terminal near the strait of Hormuz in the vicinity of the island of Kharga. Essential role in the agreements play a refineries in Tehran, Tabriz and Arak and Isfahan. Located in a nearby park Shah in Shah was built by the Polish tank company. I was a member of this project and I took the part in its realisation. Tengiz Crude oil is delivered via Aktau out by barge to the Iranian port of Bandar Neka and azaleas. After the construction of the National Iranian Oil Company, a new refinery supplies from Kazakhstan could reach a level of 50 MTA. There is the possibility of shortening of 150 km. Bus route, provided the lead beetwen Tengiz and Uzan in a shallow shelf of the eastern shore of the Caspian sea.At one time it had been signed the agreement for financing the construction of 200 km. And the section from the region of oil fields operated by a consortium of Chinese CNPC to the border with Turkmenistan.
China intends to be the final recipient of Caspian oil on the level of 50 MTA. Transport tankers from the Persian Gulf terminals to the Chinese on the Yellow Sea was supposed to be cheaper than incurring an estimated cost of 8-10 mld.USD pipeline Tengiz-LANCZOU by the Dżungarsk Xinjiang and the desert. Bus valves Tengiz – the Black Sea. was used to pump 67 MTA. The American companies long time waited before they fnally agreed to participate in this investment. The events in the Caucasus broke thi deadlock. Laying pipeline from Tengizu to the terminal on the Black Sea at a safe distance from Chechnya proved to be an urgent necessity. It is put the “foundation stone” for a terminal in Novorossiysk, and concluded a contract for 745 km. Episode 40 “pipeline from Astrakhan to Novorossiysk. The contractor was French-Russian joint-venture STARSTROY CPC capacity of a bus are reserved for members of the consortium of oil companies, and 4 operating in the region of AGIP Karachaganak, BRITISH GAS, TEXACO and Lukoil. The route CPC was considered until recently, the most important and most effective for opening the post-soviet pipeline infrastructure for the export of “new” oil from Tengizu. Connector bus coming to the CPC in Komsomolsk and connecting to the Druzhba pipeline to the west of Samara, allows not only the Texaco oil exports to the west.
Russia so far provides a complete control over the transportation routes of energy utilities from the Caspian Sea ideally situated for access to markets in Europe, Middle East and Central Asia. It has at least 200 billion barrels of crude oil and 6 trillion meters of gas. Extraction may reach up to 4.5 million bpd. of reserves that should last for at least the next 70 years, the Caspian oil can dominate the European market. Oil production in European countries, meets only 20% of their needs, 31 refineries located in Eastern and Central Europe is able to process annually about 147.5 MTA.
Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan did not take too active participation in the gas-oil carnival. Their political elites, until recently, were not favorable for foreign investors. Only recently, natural gas from Turkmenistan began to compete with GAZPROM mined by the northern territories of Siberia.Due to the fact that pipelines are owned by Gazprom, Turkmen gas was cut off from access to the global market with all the resulting consequences. Uzbekistan-In contrast-to the Turkmenistan-made the increase of extraction and not used the pipelines which have been bypassing and secured by the Russia. This country was the third producer of natural gas in the CIS and one of the ten largest in the world.
In politics, Moscow continues to linger pieces of imperial doctrine of the need for pipelines under the tutelage of the land once forming part of the Soviet Union in record time arranged BTS-2 oil pipeline from Unieczy to Ust-Luga near St. Petersburg. It will be crowded transit of 30MTA “Ural” crude oil transported through the Polish territory will also be drastically reduced. After the construction of “North Stream” also significantly decreases the transit by “YAMAL” pipeline.
Sarmatian Gas Pipeline be difficult to overestimate the importance of the discovery in 1999, Shah Deniz gas fields lying close to the shelf by the Iraneem contain. Recent estimates of at least 1 trillion cubic meters of gas and 300 million tonnes of condensate. It is expected that soon it will reach the production level of 16 mld.m of gas per year. Only in the first phase, which involved mainly the Azerbaijan Gas Supply Company, administered by STATOIL and Turkish BOTAS, will be invested ca 3.2 billion USD in contracts “up stream” and “mid stream”. With the offshore deposits and Shah Daniz contracts to purchase gas from them, the Turks were unable to effectively oppose Gazprom’s blackmail, drastically reducing the price of raw material obtained from the Blue Stream gas pipeline SCP-BP and Statoil formed the company to build a 700 kilometer long gas pipeline linking Baku to Erzurum district planned transfer 7.7 mld.m of gas per year. To minimize costs and taking into account ecological requirements of the new buses on the territory of Azerbaijan and Georgia were laid in the same “rigt of way” in parallel to the BTC. Turkey has signed a contract to purchase 90 mld.m of gas from Shah Daniz over the next 15 years. Simultaneously with Greece (which mitigated the tension between the two countries), there is agreement to extend the SCP to the west to the Balkan countries to send this route to 11 billion cubic meters of gas annually. SOCAR contract was made with the Greek DEPA to supply 3 billion. cubic meters of gas annually. One of the leading investors in the local energy market is Exxon Azerbaijan Operating Company LLC (a subsidiary of Exxon / Mobil). SOCAR has announced that it invested over 3 billion. USD expects to bring to 2.2 billion barrels of oil and at least 300 billion cubic meters of gas. Major oil-producing region of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are still net importers of gas, buying it from Uzbekistan and Russia.The new pipeline through Azerbaijan, Georgia, Black Sea and Ukraine to the Polish could be called Sarmatian, the resources from shah denis would last for ensuring the security of gas supply for Ukraine and Poliand for the next 40 years.
Gas potential of the Caspian Sea may have in the near future, far more important than the oil reserves which are occurring here.
The natural gas resources that are here are comparable to the resources of Saudi Arabia. However, using them requires a much larger financial outlays. Rates for the transit of oil and gas to the territories controlled by Moscow, have not had much to do with economic calculations, the actual cost of production or the need for adequate amounts for the rehabilitation of the environment. It is a tribute to the most ordinary action, otherwise how we can call that sales to the EU countries the Turkmen gas more than 350% expensive throught the Baku-Grozny. The pipeline-Tichorek-Novorossiysk is excluded from service. Annually, the Transneft transported by it upto 5 million tonnes of oil. For every ton of fetch U.S. $ 15.67 Excellent quality product known on the global stock markets as “Azeri Light” was mingled with the heavy oil type Sulphated “Ural” or REBCO. Loss per ton of such a “compound” was between U.S. $ 4-5. It was necessary also to add approximately $ 5 / t for the loading of oil tankers at Novorossiysk and fees for their passage through the Bosphorus. The rate of oil transit pipeline, the BTC (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) is approximately twenty-three U.S. dollars per tonne. The Russians are no longer competitive. To the jetties for oil in Jumurtalik-Ceyhan on the Mediterranean Sea may land through all year mammoth oil tankers with a capacity 400.OOO DWT and to Novorossiysk on the Black Sea, several times smaller. For much of the year the fog reigns there. The Caspian basin is ideally located for access to markets in Europe, the Middle East and even Central Asia. By the end of the decade output to reach at least 4.5 million bpd. As the performance developed around the globe oil fields start to decline, the exploitation of new resources that are located in countries not belonging to OPEC, will become more important. The reserve, which should last for at least the next 70 years, maybe it was from that area gas and oil dominate the European market. Speaking conference in Baku on CASPIAN OIL & GAS EXHIBITION minister of petroleum and mineral resources of Saudi Arabia Ali Al-Naimi said: “It is anticipated that global demand for oil by 2020, increasing by 1-1.5 million. barrels per day will result in at least 40% increase in its production in the world.
Russia will become the No.1 player in the global energy market, is committed to providing a full audit also developing its pipeline routes of movement in this area.
Principles of foreign policy for centuries are not changed.Discovery a new territories, the extermination of the elite nations residing there, ruthless Russification and barbaric exploitation of natural resources- and continuation the politics whith one target: to be able to manage fairly well the areas of the Far East and Siberia which had been teared out from China recently-on the base of the 4 so called “INEQUALITIES TREATIES” and areas of the and to demand “rights” to exploit oil and gas resources located in adjacent areas of North Ocean. The Moscow policymakers must have millions of vulnerables and russificated the human mass .Due to this reason they will seek for any price, to keep within range its influence in the Belarus and in the Ukraine.
Unique threat to the countries to which Gazprom’s gas pipelines reach an increasingly developed a system of military protection. In this sytuation worthy of the highest recognition is the latest publication in the pages of U.S. MILITARY REVIEW. (October 2010)
It is the unique importance which is very significant that now is the time when we can to entrust the brygades of migrants from Chechnya who have shown exceptional courage against the Russian humanmurders and they will protect the pipelines in the Caucasus region’s countries situated over the Middle East Editors PIPELINES interested gladly provide relevant contacts.
It would also be to support activities of the Gas Consumers League in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Chinese consumers of the gas are buying the Russian natural gas at a price nearly twice lower than Polish citizens. There is no rational explanation why this case should not apply the principle of free market.The first Consumers League functioned in the U.S. after more than 100 years ago.
Counting Russia exercising colonial control over Siberia and the Caucasus among the civilized nations of Europe is a misunderstanding can result in disaster. If we take into account the current very popular in influential circles in Moscow’s geopolitics opinion that the natural western boundary of “AZJOPY”-AsiaEurope which they intend to manage in the future as a rulers of the Kremlin is like isothermal of the “January” runs through the valley of the river Ren. It is worth to note that 90 years ago had the same dream (regarded as a mad) the Mongol Khan Baron Roman von Ungern Sternberg. I spent for him a lot of books. If anyone has doubts about Russia’s civilizing mission which looks like that-it is worth to compare to the current standard of living in India, Canada and Siberia. Therefore, if some circles are still dominated by the fear of too much strengthening of China’s potential if they will recover -looted by tsarist Russia’s Siberian fields- we should give a helpful hand to the peoples of Yakutia, Tuva, Buryatia, Far East, Country, Altaic and Krasnoyarsk Krai, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya and many others peoples calling for independence and a participation in the profits from the exploitation of natural resources and with due care for the natural environment the Far Eastern Republic with its capital at Chita declared independence in 1920. There exsisted only 2 years.
GAZPROM recently signed the agreement with the chinese Govermental Oil-Gas Corporation for supplies of 30 mld.m3 gas annually at a price nearly twice lower than the wage recipients in Europe. It has to apply for 2041. In the East Siberia has recently been launched the oil pipeline Skovorodino-Daquing-which will deliver to them 15 MTA oil over the next twenty years. You have to realize that already in the middle of this century the stocks of oil and gas and related to their location the fields of geopolitics pipelines- will face the competition accompanying to the geotermics and rational exploitation of deposits of methane hydrates.
Only synergy ensures non-confrontational energy development and progress in the majority of countries of the globe.
Key to this occurs today in the Caucasus.
Witold Stanisław Michałowski
Editor in Chief of RUROCIĄGI (Polish Pipeline Journal)