Online Petition: Stop the Extradition of Chechen Asylum Seekers
Austrian journalist and Russia expert Susanne Scholl has started an online petition which addresses the Austrian Federal Government and asks for an end to the extradition of Chechen asylum seekers.
The petition’s introduction states:
“Chechnya is not a legal state within the Russian Federation and extraditions to Russia or Chechnya are not safe for Chechen asylum seekers. Torture, abuse and oppression are on the Chechen agenda. Sending back victims of torture and political persecution is a violation of both the Geneva and Human Rights Conventions. Recently, two Chechen men were kidnapped after their extradition to Russia. Both are in critical condition. A number of other people from Chechnya are facing extradition, which means death for them. It is a shame particularly for Austria because of the history of this country. People in need must be protected!”
The campaign intends to reach 1 million signatures, but so far, only about 700 people have signed. Thus, we are asking all of our readers to sign the online petition to save the lives of Chechen asylum seekers, who will be in danger if they are extradited to Russia. We must not let it happen.
You may sign the online petition HERE.
*Text was written by Waynakh Online and edited by Michael Capobianco