Poland may expel Ruslan to Russia!
According to populer daily Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, the decisions of the Polish Office for Foreigners threaten to expel Chechen asylum seekers Ruslan Mierzhoyev and his family to Russia.
The news pubslished at Gazeta Wyborcza with the signature of Marcin Wojciechowski on May 18,2009. The Chechen asylum seekers Ruslan Mierzhoyev along with his wife and two children fled from Chechnya to Poland in 2004. Ruslan, was an engineer, he fought as a partisan in the first (1994-96) and Second Russian Chechen War (begun in 1999).
The year 2004 was brutal in Chechnya. There was an attack on the stadium in Grozny on Maj 9 and killed puppet President Akhmed Kadirov – former Mufti, who passed to the Russians-. After the attack the Russian terror in Chechnya grow up. Russian Special Services and the clan of puppet Kadirov started pressure to Chechen civilians for the get revenge of Kadirov.
Aza, the wife of Ruslan explain why they left from Chechnya with her words: “If we didn’t left from Chechnya, tehn Ruslan would no longer be in this world..”
When the asylum seerkes arrive to the Poland, they learn that Polish authorities don’t hurry to give a decision about their status. Ruslan and his family spent four years after they arrived to Poland in Dembak Refugee Center near the capital Warsaw and they got the first refusal of refugee status after four year.
Ruslan had showed to officers of Polish Foreign Office about he was a participant of Chechen partisans. The video had taken in 2005, Ruslan was dressed in army uniform, has sniper rifle and he was also cleaning his gun at the guerrilla headquarters. But the officers of The PolishForeign Office refused his application cause of the film does not prove membership of a resistance movement, “there is no fight scenes” on the tape.
Then Ruslan appealed second time with the letters of Polish directors Mariusz Maciej, Drygas Malec and journalist Krystyna Kurczab Redlich. At this letter these Polish people who was reported many works about Chechnya confirmed Ruslan was a partisan. And now they hope the Polish authorities will believe him this time.
The lawyer of Ruslan, David Cegielka says: “The problem is not only a single case of Ruslan. Human rights activists reports, they noted that since a few months clearly gets less and less Chechens refugee status in Poland. Less frequently they are also granted to the complementary right (It is a special right which created by Poland. It just give to living and working right in Poland and you can’t travel out of Poland). More and more Chechen asylum seekers are forcibly sent Chechnya. Border guards can act violently. Sometimes, after a final decision, Chechen asylum seekers immediately expel from Poland.”
The leader of Legal Intervention Association (Stowarzyszenia Interwencji Prawnej) (focuses young lawyers, who help refugees in Poland) Ola Chrzanowska says: “The decision is very absurd. You can check to the reports of various human rights organizations. Nothing has changed in Chechnya and the risk of danger to refugees who returning to Chechnya.”
*In the photo, Aza Mierzhoyeva and her daughter. Ruslan didn’t let to journalist taking his photo.
I hope Polish government wont do this unjustiful and unlawful thing! Chechens are innocent!
Russians killed many Polish people and Polish government wants to give Chechens out to Russia!!?? What’s the hell?! Where is justice! Where are Laws!
we have to organise mass urgent protest to Poland government-emails and calls