International Conference in Japan
In the middle of August 2009, an international conference held in Tokyo, the capital of Japan with the participation of human rights defenders, social workers, members of Council For Cooperation with Chechnya and Sharkhan Gakaev, a Chechen and the representative of “Free Caucasus” group in Japan.
The conference was dedicated to human rights situation in Chechnya in the light of last murders of well-known human rights defender Natalya Estemirova and the leader of “Let’s Save the Generation” organization Zarema Sadulayeva and her husband.
The speakers of the conference are Nobuko Kyo, Japan novelist; Masaaki Hayashi, journalist; Tadashi Aoyama, the editor of “Peace-Net-News”. All speakers were strongly condemned the killing of Chechen human rights defenders, and they have blamed to Kadyrov’s puppet government.
According to “Free Caucasus” group, their representative in Japan Sharkhan Gakaev attended to conference as a honorary guest and did a speech about current situation in Chechnya.