Message from M.Malsagov For Sadullayev
The ex-Chairman of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria Government State Television and Radio Broadcasting Committee Mansour Malsagov published a statement about third annivesary of Sadullayev’s death.
Mansour Malsagov said in his message, The Chechen President Abdul Khalim Sadullayev was killed by the Putin dictatorism of Russian Empire’s face in today, and he became a Shaheed insaAllah on June 17, 2006. It was big loose for the Chechen nation, but he isn’t the last leader of Chechens who may sacrifice his live for Chechen nation.
Malsagov added, “Sadullayev was a true son of Chechen nation who was on the right path. He left from this world as a perfect example for our next generations and he will live at hearts of Chechen people forever”.
“He released a decree with number 3-A on May 5,2005 and with this decree he created Caucasus front of Chechen Republic Ichkeria Armed Forces. With this decision our political and military power improved. Sadullayev was the symbol of unity at Caucasus, he was the sword of Islam religion”. said Malsagov.
He finished his message with this words: “The common dream of our legendary leaders Dzhokhar Dudaev, Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev, Aslan Maskhadov and Abdul Khalim Sadullayev was defeating our enemies, giving back freedom to hands of our people and keep alive our independent state Ichkeria. Today our young people joining to independence struggle as a mujahedeen, this is the Grace of Allah for our nation”.
Glory to Great Presidents of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria- Dzhokhar Dudaev, Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev, Aslan Maskhadov and Abdul Khalim Sadullayev!
Thank you, Mr. Mansour Malsagov! I passed suggestion to you (during this time not knowing your name yet), hopefully you’ll receive it.