Ingush Mother States Kidnapping of Her Son
F.M. Bokova, born in 1955 and a resident of Karabulak city of Ingushetia, accuses power agents of kidnapping on April 21 of her son Khizar Batredinovich Bokov, born in 1986, right from their house. The woman has addressed human rights entities and organizations asking to help in searching her son.
She wrote in her application that on April 21 at 5 a.m. five unknown armed persons in masks and camouflage came to her flat in the Dzhabagieva Street. Two of them were without masks and said that they were GOVD (Chief Interior Department) employees, but gave no names and showed no documents. The others said nothing.
The agents took the woman’s son Khizar out and put into a car without license number plates. Then, they searched the apartment and took away a mobile phone, SIM-cards and parts of the home computer. Already after they left, the woman, as she asserts, found disappearance of about 70.000 roubles.
Nobody of the attackers said, where and why they took the detainee. Coming out to the street, the woman saw that the house was surrounded by several cars and trucks, most of them – also without number plates. In the opinion of the woman, it means that her son was kidnapped by certain employees of certain power agencies.
Ms Bokova asks in her application to D.M. Ozdoev, the Ombudsman in Ingushetia ; Magomed Mutsolgov, Head of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “MASHR”; Ruslan Badalov, Head the Republic’s Public Movement “Chechen Committee of National Salvation”; and Tamirlan Akiyev, Head of Ingushetia branch of the Human Rights Centre “Memorial” to help her in searching her son and defending his rights.
So far no official comments on this incident have been made by power agencies of Ingushetia.