Hoarse Hawk by Apti Bisultanov

A poem by most well-known Chechen poet Apti Bisultanov (includes original Chechen language text).
Hoarse hawk how much you are like me
Yiš xälla ärzu xjay
Unheard by God
Ma tera du=kxa xho sox
Your aimless cry
Dalla dja ca xezi axh erna bittina moh
Spread the wings
Degh malday chazhimma
Let us be silent
Tham djasaxecaxha pxhaghatexh
Me on earth
As lättaxh axh stiglarxh
You in the sunset glow.
Oylaer bayšimma parghatexh.
Apti Bisultanov
Hi everybody!
Is this translation precise, or just poetic? I really wish to know more about the chechen language, but the sources are very few.
For example the second row is “Unheard by God” – “Ma tera du=kxa xho sox”
I think the chechen word for God is Dela. And what is the = sign in “du=kxa”? Can someone explain?
Bzap, dukha – means a lot, many. = error in typing
its not precise and some meaning lost in translation:
Dalla – which comes on the third line means By God comes quiet late. Translation is not precisely under the each line.
Like it should mean that – The pointless or aimless scream or noise made by that animal is not heard by god (just like him the AUTHOR). The translation: Yiš xälla ärzu xjay – should rele mean Hey, Hawk which has lost its voice. ( similar term is used when people get funny voice after shouting loud) I dont know where Hoarse came from? Its very difficult to translate as you should rele be able to speak both languages and know all old terms used etc.
the great cechen people will prosper and gained success on thier country,may Alah give them energy.and have mercy upon cechen.
May Allah bless the peoples of Iraq, Iran, Ichkeria and Afghanistan for their brave resistance against the demon-worshipping hordes